29 Aug Hualien bicycle paths, where you can roam the highlands of Pacific Ocean/花蓮市自行車道-遨遊在太平洋高灘地 Some tall buildings in Hua-lian downtown area render the panorama of Hua-lian City.有的花蓮市區高樓可以一覽花蓮市全景。
09 Aug Northern Cross-Island Highway and Dongyan Mountain/北橫與東眼山 Northern Cross-Island Highway has been open since the Japanese colonial era, passing through Xue-shan Range from Jiao-ban-shan all the way to San-xing, Yi-lan.北部橫貫公路在日治時代就已經開闢,從角板山一直到宜蘭的三星,穿越雪山山脈。
30 Jul Taroko, a top ten must-see scenic spot in the world/太魯閣 全球十大必遊景點 According to the British media coverage, Ta-roko is a top ten must-see tourist spot in the world. Such acclaim is not overstated at all.英國媒體報導,太魯閣是全世界十大必遊景點。這樣的稱讚一點也不誇張。
17 Jul Yehliu Geopark, a headland with exotic rocks / 野柳地質公園 - 奇岩岬角 Some say, the name Yehliu originated from the transliteration of an aboriginal place.有人說,野柳名字來自原住民地方的音譯。
10 Jul Yangmingshan National Park trail system, where you enjoy the life in beautiful scenery/陽明山公園步道系統-活在美景裡 Trails are the way to go if you want to get close to the beauty of nature in Yangmingshan. 要靠近陽明山自然之美,步道是最佳選擇。
20 Jun Black Bat Squadron Memorial Hall and Hsinchu Park/黑蝙蝠中隊文物陳列館與新竹公園 The main and rear stations of Hsinchu Station are both situated in very bustling commercial districts.新竹火車站不管是前站或後站,都是非常熱鬧的商圈。
05 Jun Daxi, a town with the glorious past/一個擁有輝煌過去的城鎮-大溪 Coming to Daxi, many may wonder why it's so easy to come across a full row of vintage Baroque-style buildings. 來到大溪,很多人可能會覺得奇怪,為何很容易就遇到一整排古老的巴洛克建築。
22 Apr Northeast Coast, the epitome of coastlines in Taiwan/東北角-台灣海岸線的最佳代表 You can admire the most representative of the Taiwan coastline in Northeast and Yi-lan Coast National Scenic Area.東北角和宜蘭海岸國家風景區,可以欣賞到台灣最有代表性的海岸線。
12 Apr Unique Yilan experience/獨特的宜蘭體驗 Coming to Yi-lan, you'll come across the top-notch Yi-lan experience in Taiwan.來到宜蘭,會接觸到台灣數一數二的「宜蘭經驗」。
06 Mar Southern Branch of National Palace Museum/故宮南院 Southern Branch of National Palace Museum is near HSR Chai-yi Station, requiring only 10 minutes of drive.故宮南院離嘉義高鐵站很近,開車只要十分鐘。
06 Mar Chiayi Tower/射日塔 At the highest point of Chai-yi Park, Chai-yi Tower is the landmark of Chai-yi. 射日塔位在嘉義公園最高處,是嘉義的地標。
06 Mar Sihjhongsi Hot Spring/ 四重溪溫泉 There are attractions, such as Shihmen Ancient Battle Field, requiring only 30 minutes of drive from Kenting. 有的觀光景點從墾丁開車只要30分鐘,例如石門古戰場。
06 Mar The coast of Pacific Ocean/太平洋海岸 Continue going on Provincial Highway 26 and then head north along the coast of Pacific Ocean. 繼續走台26線,轉向往北,沿著太平洋海岸。
06 Mar Kenting National Park/墾丁國家公園 Kenting National Park was established in 1984. It was the first national park in Taiwan. 墾丁國家公園在1984年成立。是台灣第一個國家公園。
06 Mar The coast of Bashi Channel/巴士海峽沿岸 The coast of Bashi Channel goes from Mao-bito to A-luan-bee. 巴士海峽沿岸就是從貓鼻頭到鵝鑾鼻。