05 Nov Describe a person's behavior/形容人的行為 Kleptomaniac, 是偷竊狂: Josh is such a kleptomaniac. He can't resist stealing little things whenever he visits his friends.Josh真是個偷竊狂。每次去朋友家, 他無法抗拒偷小東西的誘惑。
17 Jun Taichung Summary/台中摘要 Located at the center of Taiwan, Taichung is a core city attracting consumers from neighboring cities and counties, such as Changhua, Nantou and more. 台中位在台灣中心,也是吸引鄰近縣市前來消費的核心城市。例如彰化和南投等地方。
09 Aug Northern Cross-Island Highway and Dongyan Mountain/北橫與東眼山 Northern Cross-Island Highway has been open since the Japanese colonial era, passing through Xue-shan Range from Jiao-ban-shan all the way to San-xing, Yi-lan.北部橫貫公路在日治時代就已經開闢,從角板山一直到宜蘭的三星,穿越雪山山脈。
05 Mar Taichung Cultural & Creative Industrial Park/台中文化創意產業園區 Taichung Cultural and Creative Industrial Park is near the Rear Station. 台中文化創意產業園區在後火車站附近。