慣用語第四集/Phrases IV

第一個慣用語是"Knock on wood", 是希望好運繼續保持。

I never got in a car accident, knock on wood!
我從沒出過車禍, 希望好運繼續保持。

Devil's advocate ,是辯論的時候, 純脆為了辯論而故意站在他不一定認同的觀點上辯護。

For the sake of the argument, I'm going to play devil's advocate to see how you respond to opposition.
為了要爭論, 我將會故意站在反對派, 看你如何去應對對方。

Hit the nail on the head,是一針見血。

The doctor's diagnosis hit the nail on the head.

Gut feeling 是直覺的意思。

My gut feeling tells me that they will lose.或是I have a gut feeling that they will lose. 都是

Loose cannon, 脫韁的野馬,表示某人不受控制而具危險性。

He is so out of control that his teammates think he is a loose cannon.

Off the hook,是脫離困境。

He was caught running the red light, but the policeman let him off the hook with only a verbal warning.

On the fence,是未決定或是猶豫中。

I'm on the fence about buying a new car.
Tom is going to the party tonight, but Joe is still on the fence.

Over the top, 太過火, 或是不適洽的。

Some of her comments tonight were over the top.

A toss-up ,是機會個半的意思。 一般意味著兩者間無法選擇。

A: What's your favorite city?
B: It's a toss-up between Taipei and Taichung.

Once in a blue moon是很難得的意思。

He cooks once in a blue moon.

Close,but no cigar,是差那麼一點點的意思。

A: Did she give the right answer?
B: Close, but no cigar.

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