Yehliu Geopark, a headland with exotic rocks / 野柳地質公園 - 奇岩岬角

Some say, the name Yehliu originated from the transliteration of an aboriginal place.

Some others say, the name is actually the abbreviation of Punto Diablos without the consonants "d" and "b."
也有一說,是西班牙文魔鬼岬Punto Diablos,去掉子音「d」和「b」的縮寫。 5296a4bf3ede5c34c7a6835319f14e18

Yehliu topped the voting list of top 10 landscapes in Taiwan conducted by Taiwanese government in 2015.

Coming to Yehliu, you have to check out the geopark. Don't forget about the surrounding beautiful scenery and coastline either.
來到野柳,要看地質公園。也別忘了,四週美麗景色和海岸線。 b2059ef522f2400526b6935fe85ab85b

The geopark and ocean world are connected. Yehliu Fishing Port is on the east side, and Dongao Fishing Port is on the west side.
地質公園和海洋世界連在一起,東邊是野柳漁港,西邊是東澳漁港。 f0f1ff3a9dc7ee97d643522992d2b77d

Many people don't notice the abandoned abalone pool next to the harbor that's a hot spot for diving.

If you have the chance to get wet, you'll be able to see barrel sponges and cockles near the geopark.

Prior to entering the geopark, pay attention to the traffic flow due to a large number of tourists.
因為團客很多,要進入地質公園前,要注意停車動線。 fd9c03c8e67f57068b8a695ac4a74d72

The geopark is on the left side; the building on the right side that obstructs the sea scenery is the ocean world.

Parking spots for smaller cars are behind the ocean world; the front spots are mainly for buses.

Entering the geopark, you'll see an area with shade trees. There are coastal plants, and replicated exotic rocks, such as Queen's Head Rock.
進入地質公園裡面,有一個樹蔭區。有濱海植物、還有複製的奇岩,例如女王頭。 f3c65595e95c6da8e7e304b9a3a0c152

Entrance to the park requires a reservation during peak hours. Be sure to inquire online beforehand. Just follow the signs once you enter the park.

If you have a mobile phone, you can scan the QR code on the board providing you with a free electronic tour.
如果你有手機,可掃瞄指示牌上的QR code,提供免費的電子導覽。 9108f851c5ca2b291f36a19026820619

The geopark is divided into 3 areas. The first one is the terrain area, consisting mainly of Mushroom Rocks and Candlestick Rocks.
地質公園分三區,第一個是地形區,主要是蕈狀岩和燭台石。 a67653615604c6f355014bf6940fd840


The rocks in the second area are similar to the first one, but just in smaller quantity.
第二區的岩石類似第一區,只是數量比較少。 f050519f892265aff4c8c255239a7b74


The Queen's Head Rock in the second area is the most popular.
最熱門的是在第二區的女王頭。 9351088b45cf8e993d1f04b6668bdfab



The third area is the abrasion platform, which is also an Ecological Conservation Zone.
第三區是海蝕平台,也是生態保護區。 7f7d4d630ff64719b8f84bcb2fad5808

Keep in mind that Yehliu is a headland, which means sea waves can come crashing onto the shore at any time. Don't get too close to the coastline.

Pay attention to safety while visiting. Don't cross the warning sign and do listen to direction given by the on-site staff.
參觀時注意安全,不要越警示牌,也要聽從現場工作人員指揮。 b4420dd247af785a3c7ad8b48a4f43de


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