23 Mar Add some colors to your Tainan trip going from Dongshan Cafe Road to Jingliao!/從東山咖啡公路到菁寮-給您台南之旅添加些色彩! There are many entrances to Cafe Road 175 . It's actually quite convenient when you come from Guan-ziling. 要到175咖啡公路有很多入口,從關仔嶺轉進來,其實相當方便。
21 Mar Togo Rural Village Art Museum, giving you a surprising impression at the heart of Chianan Plain/土溝農村美術館-在嘉南平原中心點的驚喜印象 If you take Provincial Highway 1 South, you'll notice scenic green fields along the road after entering Tainan from Chai-yi. 如果你開車走台一線往南,由嘉義進入台南後,看到路旁綠油油的田野風光。
07 Mar Minxiong and Xinggang, the two lost rural parts of Chiayi/民雄和新港-兩個消失中的嘉義庄腳所在 Rural parts of Chai-yi are foreign to most Taiwanese that are not from Chai-yi. 不是土生土長的嘉義人會對嘉義鄉下很陌生。
07 Mar Plum Vitality House, a place of nature, sunlight and deliciously nutritious plums!/ 梅子元氣館-天然陽光,味美營養的梅子! Plums and prunes are high in vitamin A and C, potassium, fiber and antioxidants.梅子和梅乾富含維他命A和C,鉀離子,還有纖維和天然抗氧化劑。
06 Mar Happy Hill, a hidden gem in Chiayi City/幸福山丘-隱藏在嘉義的寶石 Not many people, Taiwanese included, are familiar with Chai-yi city. 大多數的人包括台灣當地人並不熟悉嘉義這個城市。
06 Mar Sihjhongsi Hot Spring/ 四重溪溫泉 There are attractions, such as Shihmen Ancient Battle Field, requiring only 30 minutes of drive from Kenting. 有的觀光景點從墾丁開車只要30分鐘,例如石門古戰場。