Minxiong and Xinggang, the two lost rural parts of Chiayi/民雄和新港-兩個消失中的嘉義庄腳所在

Rural parts of Chai-yi are foreign to most Taiwanese that are not from Chai-yi.

English4TW team brings you to two rural townships of Chai-yi, which are Min-xiong and Xing-gang. They are worth mentioning because they each offer unique tourist attractions, and the fact that they are very close to each other is just icing on the cake.

We first take you to the Pineapple Hill in Min-xiong. If you had the opportunity to visit Happy Hill in Chai-yi and enjoy their finely made coffee and bread, the nice view of the rural part of Chai-yi from the uphill is Min-xiong.

If you have been to Chai-yi Cypress Forest Life Village, hopefully you didn't miss out on trying the freshly baked and warm pineapple cake from Pineapple Hill. This store in Min-xiong is their original store.
如果你去過檜意森活村,希望沒有錯過試吃新鮮烘烤,熱呼呼,來自旺萊山的鳳梨酥。這間位在民雄鄉的店就他們的原始店。 3ea385148ab6334502b826c5efc3eced

What makes this one unique is, in addition to tasting their delectable pineapple sample, you get to see where they grow pineapples in the field!

Coming inside the store, you are greeted by friendly staff. Once you take a seat, every person gets a piece of complimentary pineapple cake, a cup of A-li-shan tea and some pineapple vinegar!


Up on the second floor is where you get to see the large field of grown pineapples.

The atmosphere here is quite different from the store in Chai-yi Forest Life Village. This store is much more spacious.
這裡的氣氛和檜意森活村很不一樣。 這裡店面寬敞很多。 7cb55f161d67bb4bdafb42e5a88aa401




Did you notice something about the free samples? The pineapple cake, A-li-shan tea and pineapple vinegar are all golden. It makes you feel like you are on a golden-diet trip, doesn't it!

From Zhong-zheng College, head toward San-xing village and then follow the road signs to get to the original Pineapple Hill.

Min-xiong Kumquat Farm


Did we say something about being on a golden-diet trip, that's right! Follow a small alley and you are now in a large village Min-xiong Kumquat Farm.


The store was established in 1960. For more than half a century, kumquat has been homegrown in Min-xiong.

Kumquat is high in vitamin C, which benefits your skin, increases your body's cold tolerance, prevents cold and lowers lipids. Just the thought of the sweet and sour kumquat makes us salivate!
金桔有大量維生素C,對皮膚健康好,也能增強機體抗寒能力、可以防治感冒、降低血脂。光想到金桔汁酸酸甜甜的滋味就會流口水! c3dcc79abbc9a8c03a14e3c1f3819a45

Upon coming into the exhibit hall, you can try their sweet and sour kumquat juice sample. Be sure to check out their frosted kumquat cookies. In ancient times, kumquat cookie omelets were used during postpartum care for mothers.
進入這展示廳裡,你可以試吃又甜又酸的桔汁樣品。別錯過他們糖霜的金桔餅。古老時代媽媽坐月子,就是用金桔餅煎蛋. 6c2bfeb9977e528e15d531d9bdbb1a38

They recently came up with their unique kumquat fruit honey, which is made very differently from their more well-known kumquat lemon juice.

Unlike kumquat lemon juice, kumquat fruit honey is hot brewed and made with the fruit skin, thus allowing the aroma to completely emanate.

Kumquat lemon juice is thirst quenching and suitable for the hot summer; kumquat fruit honey is warm and mellow, which makes for a perfect winter beverage.

Ban-tao-yao Crafts Studio of Jiao-zhi Pottery and Chien-nien


The reason we bring you to the other rural township Xing-gang is none other than its Ban-tao-yao Crafts Studio of Jiao-zhi Pottery and Chien-nien.

It's located in Bantou village. You can take the right fork in the road toward Bei-gang to arrive there. Ban-tao-yao Crafts Studio of Jiao-zhi Pottery and Chien-nien has two entrances.
位在板頭村,往北港方向右邊叉路可到。板陶窯交趾剪黏工藝園區有兩個入口。 bbe3f601da7e7100eaad2a242a635296

Ban-tao-yao includes Koji Pottery, also known as Chai-yi Pottery, originated from the days of the Japanese colonial era. The most famous Koji Pottery artist and teacher Ye Lin Zhi was born in Chai-yi.
板陶窯包括交趾燒,也就是著名的嘉義燒,從日治時代就有。最知名的交趾燒葉麟趾生在嘉義。 0be6e17c49744d189327813b7117bfaa

His artwork was displayed at the France World Expo and drew praises from artists and collectors across the world.

Koji Pottery was then given the name The Art of Taiwan. Chai-yi has become the home of Koji art ever since. To this day, many Japanese still refer to Koji Pottery as Chai-yi Pottery.
交趾燒因此被稱讚是台灣絕技。從此嘉義也成為台灣交趾陶的故鄉。時至今日許多日本人還稱交趾燒是「嘉義燒」。 16c8cba0a7c3858a66c82e03416262ef

In addition to Koji Pottery, Ban-tao-yao includes art of Chien-nien, which is essentially a Taiwanese version of the Mosaic sculpture.
板陶窯不只有交趾燒,還有一種剪黏藝術,也就是台灣版的馬賽克雕塑。 07f758bdadae1be7e0b240c6f5337ffd

The art of Chien-nien was originally Temple Art; the founder of Ban-tao-yao Chen Zhong-zheng infuses modern elements, such as painted wall pottery, to make mosaic sculptures look like real flowers, roof decorations, fruits and animals.
黏藝術原本是廟宇藝術;板陶窯創辦人陳忠正加入現代元素,例如交阯燒的牆壁彩繪,讓馬賽克雕塑好像真實的花、屋頂裝飾、水果和動物。 cb58143d0372ab7d52e63ec7e3d89a6f




Even the sculptures of children playing in the water look unusually distinctive. These Mosaic sculptures all create an extremely playful atmosphere very suitable for children.
甚至小朋友玩水的雕塑看起來都很不尋常的特別。這些馬賽克雕塑都創造一種非常好玩的氣氛,很適合帶小朋友來。 f4e179043d510f6bc6e02ce5dc6c6677



Inside the restaurant, there is a plant factory where organic vegetables are planted. Once you are done with pottery sightseeing, topping it off by eating some organic food may just be quite an interesting experience!
而在餐廳裡,有一座植物工廠,裡面種有機蔬菜。當你觀賞陶藝後,結束前再吃一些有機食物也許是個非常有意思的體驗! 87681b832ef019b927ec13a77a0bf0f4

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