27 Oct Qingtiangang, where a secret military post turns into a hot spot for wedding photography/擎天崗-軍事秘境變婚紗景點 Qing-tian-gang is 812 meters above sea level. It possesses the lava terrace formed as an aftermath of a volcanic eruption. 擎天崗海拔812公尺。是火山爆發留下的熔岩階地。
10 Jul Yangmingshan National Park trail system, where you enjoy the life in beautiful scenery/陽明山公園步道系統-活在美景裡 Trails are the way to go if you want to get close to the beauty of nature in Yangmingshan. 要靠近陽明山自然之美,步道是最佳選擇。
11 Apr The bright pearl atop the green gem/綠寶石上璀璨的明珠 If Yi-lan is a green gem, Jiaoxi is on the top of it glowing brightly like a crystal. 如果宜蘭是顆綠寶石,礁溪就是在寶石頂端,閃耀水晶光芒的那個點。
23 Mar Guanziling, the place with the only mud springs in Taiwan and the secret dialogue between the green and dark springs /綠地與黑色溫泉的神秘對話-台灣唯一泥漿溫泉:關仔嶺 There have been four major hot spring places since the Japanese colonial era; The Guan-ziling Hot Spring that we bring you is one of them.從日治時代開始,台灣有四大溫泉之地,其中之一就是要為您介紹的關仔嶺溫泉。
06 Mar Sihjhongsi Hot Spring/ 四重溪溫泉 There are attractions, such as Shihmen Ancient Battle Field, requiring only 30 minutes of drive from Kenting. 有的觀光景點從墾丁開車只要30分鐘,例如石門古戰場。