28 Aug Taitung National Museum of Prehistory/台東史前博物館 Tai-tung is the county with the most archaeological sites.台東是考古遺址最多的縣市。
23 Jul Ju Ming Museum, where the static art becomes dynamic/朱銘美術館-讓靜態的藝術活耀起來 You'll need to take Northern Coastal Highway, which is a part of the Provincial Highway 2, in order to get to Ju-Ming Museum.到朱銘美術館要走北部濱海公路,也是台2線的一段。
04 Jul Taipei Akihabara 3.0: Guanghua Market and Syntrend Creative Park/光華商場和三創數位生活園區-台北秋葉原3.0 With the capacity to design, provide all components and even OEM and assemble, Taiwan plays a critical role in consumer electronics products worldwide.台灣消費性電子產品在全球有關鍵地位,有能力設計產品,提供所有零組件,甚至代工和組裝。
20 Jun Black Bat Squadron Memorial Hall and Hsinchu Park/黑蝙蝠中隊文物陳列館與新竹公園 The main and rear stations of Hsinchu Station are both situated in very bustling commercial districts.新竹火車站不管是前站或後站,都是非常熱鬧的商圈。
12 Apr Unique Yilan experience/獨特的宜蘭體驗 Coming to Yi-lan, you'll come across the top-notch Yi-lan experience in Taiwan.來到宜蘭,會接觸到台灣數一數二的「宜蘭經驗」。
21 Mar Togo Rural Village Art Museum, giving you a surprising impression at the heart of Chianan Plain/土溝農村美術館-在嘉南平原中心點的驚喜印象 If you take Provincial Highway 1 South, you'll notice scenic green fields along the road after entering Tainan from Chai-yi. 如果你開車走台一線往南,由嘉義進入台南後,看到路旁綠油油的田野風光。
07 Mar Minxiong and Xinggang, the two lost rural parts of Chiayi/民雄和新港-兩個消失中的嘉義庄腳所在 Rural parts of Chai-yi are foreign to most Taiwanese that are not from Chai-yi. 不是土生土長的嘉義人會對嘉義鄉下很陌生。
04 Mar Songshan Cultural Park and Huashan Creative Park, where the tobacco and liquor factories incarnate the regions of culture and art!/ 松山文創園區和華山文創園區—當菸廠和酒廠化身文藝區! Taipei is the showcase for Taiwan's artwork.台北是台灣藝術精品的櫥窗。