The coast of Bashi Channel/巴士海峽沿岸

The coast of Bashi Channel goes from Mao-bito to A-luan-bee.

Going from east to west, you will see attractions, such as Mao-bito, Hou-bihu Marina, South Bay, Kenting Street and more.

There are two routes to Mao-bito; one route is going alongside the north-south coastal landscape; you can also choose to follow the sign and make a right to go west after you pass Heng-chun on your way to Kenting. This route will take you to Hou-bihu Marina first.



Mao-bito is a landmark of Kenting. There is a scenic overlook inside the park, allowing you to see both Bashi Channel and Taiwan Strait. A steady flow of tourist bus after tourist bus speaks for the volume of tourists here. The scenic overlook is always packed, even the trail can be overwhelmingly congested.
貓鼻頭是墾丁的地標;公園內有個觀景台,可以讓你同時看到巴士海峽和台灣海峽。觀光巴士整車整車持續的進園,說明這裡觀光客有多麼多。高台也隨時都擠滿人,連步道也被塞爆。 3b36d99917c13f005d7846c259527c7f

If you happen to come at a time with less tourists around, try to go down along the left coastal trail to see the terrain of apron reefs and seawater-crafted caves.
如果你來的時間剛好遊客比較少,試著從左側海岸步道下去,前往觀賞裙礁地形和海蝕洞。 dabb2cf875ec3a1bce39a44e10fe0a00

Hou-bihu Marina


Hou-bihu Marina is the largest harbor inside Kenting National Park and was the first international yacht harbor in Taiwan. There are yachts and tourist submarines accessible at the port for putting out to sea. It's an ideal place for getting some seafood or just splashing around.
後壁湖是墾丁國家公園內最大的漁港,也是台灣第一個國際級的遊艇港。在這港口還有遊艇和觀光潛艇可以搭乘出海,無論是想要吃海鮮或玩水,都是最理想的地點。 d2bddb3c5fe1ee007bf6f6c0532f8c98


Hou-bihu Marine Resource Conservation Area



Hou-bihu Marine Resource Conservation Area is located on the east shore of Nuclear Power Plant water outlet channel. This is also an ecological demonstration area with numerous coral formations.

After many years of preservation, it has become the place with the most abundant fish stock resources along the coast of Heng-chun Peninsula. While we were here, we saw some onshore diving coaches readying their students to get under water.
在多年的保育之後,成為恆春半島沿岸魚類資源最豐富的地方。我們在這裡,也看到潛水教練在岸邊準備讓學員下水。 fa2999f4cd8a035502b8bce5a29fbc94




Nuclear power plant water outlet


To the left side of the Houbihu water outlet channel is what people refer to as the Rock Slope famous for snorkeling. Water activities are quite active here. To the right side of the outlet channel is the bay area.

The area from Hou-bihou Marina to South Bay is an Ocean Protection Zone. The bay area here is the least susceptible to stormy waves. You'll usually see clear water and calm winds.

Gu Zao Wei Seafood


There are plenty of catches and fresh Sashimi coming from Hou-bihou Marina market. Nearby seafood restaurants abound. We chose Gu Zao Wei Seafood due to local praises it receives.
有豐富的漁獲和新鮮的生魚片,來自後壁湖碼頭的市場。附近海產店很多。我們選的是當地人口碑不錯的「古早味海鮮」。 f8f5413c5fb85c75ce9ea1a0b00491e1


We ordered their delicious Rainfall Mushroom, Steamed Fish, Salted Black Bean Tofu with Oyster, Stir-fried Seaweed and Hot Candied Sweet Potato. Rainfall Mushroom is also known as Lover's Tears.
我們點了他們好吃的雨來菇、蒸魚、豆鼓豆腐鮮蚵、炒海菜和拔絲地瓜。雨來菇別名「情人的眼淚」。 259b0f73627d368ce31993e97c715a9b



The mushroom is indigenous to tropical rain forest. It tastes refreshingly crisp. The steamed fish comes straight from Hou-bihu Marina and tastes absolutely fresh!

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