14 Jul The beautiful Keelung, both day and night/ 基隆日夜都美麗 We suggest that you spend one day and night in order to discover the true beauty of Keelung.要真正發現基隆之美,建議你花一日一夜。
07 Mar A Chiayi city experience worth remembering/值得回憶的嘉義城市體驗 There is more to dining and nightlife in Chai-yi city. 在嘉義市裡,還有更多可以吃晚餐、過夜生活的地方。
06 Mar Kenting Street/墾丁大街 Kenting Street is a portion of the street located between Kenting National Park and Caesar Park Hotel. 墾丁大街是墾丁國家公園到凱薩飯店之間的道路的一段。