Gaomei Wetland, a wetland with wind farms and great seafood! /有風力發電廠與超棒海鮮的濕地-高美濕地!

Gao-mei Wetland is situated near Wu-qi Fishing Port, north of Port of Taichung and west of Ching-shui Coastal Plain.

Take National Highway 4, and the most convenient route is to connect to the Expressway 61 toward Port of Taichung. Be sure to pay attention to the signs along the way.

We chose to come in good weather, and it indeed paid off.

Arriving at the Tourist Center parking lot, look across east to see a 20-kilometer long Da-du Mountain crossing Taichung and very beautifully situated below the stratus.
到了遊客中心的停車場,往東邊看過去,縱貫台中,有20公里長的大肚山,就在層雲下方,相當漂亮。 0d2ea0af20b4e52a791cd1e76e338c73

There are signs along the way giving directions to Gao-mei wetland.
怎麼到高美濕地,沿路都有指標。 972dd7d7c38e275ab0bfea58c98a51e3

To get to the wetland wooden path, pay attention to a couple of white painted "wetland trail" once you arrive at the entrance to the seawall trail.
要到濕地木棧道,遇到海堤步道入口,注意有一對白漆塗上濕地步道字樣。 99bbdc928b21d5d980b2b67e6f5a036d

Gao-mei Wetland is situated south of Da-jia River mouth, looking like a field of riverside wasteland when you look across north from the trail by the seawall.
高美濕地位在大甲溪出海口的南側,從海堤前方步道往北方看過去,看起來像一片海邊的荒地。 b8a928bc9b502ec66eff9ac9a904f007


It used to be a bathing beach during the Japanese colonial era, but sedimentation caused the bathing beach to be abandoned after the establishment of Port of Taichung. It was really abandoned by men and choked with weeds for a while.

Fortunately, a group of birders discovered that there are as many as one hundred some species of wild birds perching here. At the same time, this is also a breeding area for the rare Wild Duck in Taiwan.

It was planned by the local government to become a Wildlife Reserve in 2004. A wooden path was constructed, reaching far into the wetland. This is the "wetland trail" referenced by the signs.
2004年,地方政府規劃為野生動物保護區,並興建一條木棧道,深入濕地,這就是指標所說的「濕地步道」。 605421ad92bc057e41da25948f5df924

The wetland trail can lead you to somewhere a bit farther away from the seawall, allowing you to watch the tide or leave the wooden path to go splashing around.

It's now a prime tourist attraction in the Taichung coastal region. We like to remind you to watch out for the tide and weather. Don't stay on the wetland after sunset.

After reaching the end of the seawall trail is the entrance to the wetland trail. There are homestay signs.
濕地木棧道入口,海堤步道走到底之後,有民宿招牌。 6d5177f83f82db02b22610b2da7aea0c


Walking up the stairs, you can see the map of Taichung Coastal Bicycle Path. There are two statues of Mudskipper at the entrance.
登上階梯,可以看到台中海濱自行車道的地圖,入口還有兩隻彈塗魚的石雕。 c4e8d7c288717a0de1ab14ddc487a722



Walk on the wooden path, and there is a whole row of windmills. It's quite beautiful.
走上木棧道,對面梧棲漁港北邊有一整排風車,相當漂亮。 a2b23da7d44bf45cc5d457a7d460680f

The wetland is full of grass. This is the largest Bolboschoenus Planieulmis growth region in Taiwan.
濕地上長滿了草,這可是台灣面積最大的雲林莞草生長區。 8499d8c0cf8fc8e90fc897e24afc1fc8

There are Mudskippers on the muddy ground. It's perhaps hard to sight them hiding in the ground in broad daylight, and only Fiddler Crabs can be seen.
泥地有彈塗魚,可能大白天藏在地底看不到,只看到招潮蟹。 26d7ce154ce78ebff8d3accf55f74496

Gao-mei Lighthouse


Gao-mei Lighthouse is in the distance. The red and white checkering is a rare sight. The lighthouse is sometimes open, allowing tourists to get up and view from a height.
遠方是高美燈塔,紅白相間的顏色很少見,燈塔有時會開放,讓遊客登上高處眺望。 aee067b8d4c78a9c9b21baea31f013dc

You must be wondering what the castle next to the lighthouse is. It's actually the Qingshui Child Care Center West Gao-mei Branch.
高美燈塔旁邊的城堡是什麼,你一定很好奇,原來那是清水托兒所的高西分部。 cf4fe8bf01492f79b1a9f0745700b659

Gao-mei Wetland is a Taichung Coastal Bicycle Path spotlight, planned for construction of a consolidated tourism and recreation area together with Wu-qi Fishing Port.
高美濕地是台中濱海自行車道一個亮點,規劃要結合梧棲漁港,打造一個綜合觀光遊憩區。 be45dd6a5e451a2fd27723f8263fc673



At the time of our visit, there are many attractions either under construction or at the planning stage.

There are still quite a few attractions, such as the landscape bridge above the Qingshui River Mouth.
還是有不少的看點,例如清水大排出海口上的景觀橋。 9cd992cf4a41e17307bcc12e6e00b314


Wu-qi Fishing Port


Head south to get to Huan-gang North Road. On your way to Wu-qi Fishing Port, you'll pass by an entire row of wind turbines. There is a sea-watching platform established in the vicinity of the No. 8 and No. 9 windmills.

It's truly an amazing experience coming here during the day to check out the sea, get some sea breeze and listen to the wind turbines whirring over your head.
白天來到這裡看海,吹海風,聽著頭上風力發電機呼呼響,實在是很奇特的經驗。 ce11e559845c7425f499aafa48dd5dfa


It's even a better place to watch the sea and stars during nighttime.

After the Wu-qi Fishing Port was reconstructed, it became known as "Mermaid Harbor." There will be a yacht harbor, and a museum of marine biology and aquarium in the future similar to the one in Pingtung.
梧棲漁港重新打造以後,叫「美人魚碼頭」,未來也會有遊艇港,以及像屏東海生館的的海洋生態館。 7f6dbe6f713d18715a3753d644c12d31


There are people coming to Wu-qi Fishing Port to take the boat out to sea for whale and dolphin watching.

Outlet Center


You can also buy fresh seafood at the outlet center or eat seafood in the restaurant area.
也可以在直銷中心買新鮮海產,或者到餐飲區吃海鮮。 fb1bf6f15fe981fc00da881b3ad4b526


Due to interior renovations, the shops in the restaurant area are relocated across from the outlet center.

The competition among the four seafood restaurants is keen. A restaurant employee even used a loudspeaker to attract customers.
四家海鮮店競爭激烈,還有店員拿著擴音器招攬賓客。 0bcd5c88a6232337129e5f0dc9b9d0ac


The one that we picked has a few group photos of the chef and politicians on the wall, looking like a well-known restaurant.

We ordered Oyster Omelette, Stir-fried Eel, Sweet Potato Leaves, Fried Spanish Mackerel Chowder, Minced Pork Rice Vermicelli and Sweet and Sour Fish. They were all fairly good.
我們點的蚵仔煎、炒鱔魚、地瓜葉、土魠魚羹、肉燥米粉、糖醋魚, 都相當好吃。 5414a05e1ac361727757f4f0562beaf0







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