Yuanshan Scenic Area, a place with a mysterious past and peaceful present/圓山風景區-神秘的過去與和平的現在

Analogous to Xiang-shan Hiking Trail being close to 1O1, Jian-tan Hiking Trail is near Taipei Grand Hotel.

You can conveniently get to both hiking trails by taking MRT Tam-sui Xing-yi Line (Red Line number 2).
你可以方便的搭捷運淡水象山線(2號紅線)到達這兩個健行步道。 ded80c9766e76c00e49bab418bd9803c

Grand Hotel and Yuanshan Scenic Area are right next to each other. The name Yuanshan originated from Taipei Grand Hotel in Chinese (Yuanshan Hotel). Yuanshan in Chinese means "circular mountain."

Although the hill that you hike is actually Jian-tan-shan, the area is referred to as Yuanshan Scenic Area.

After a few hours of hiking in Jian-tan Hiking Trail, getting some relaxations drinking some coffee or dining in the palace-like Grand Hotel is quite a treat!

To get to Jian-tan Hiking Trail, take the MRT Tam-sui Xing-yi Line (Red Line number 2) and get off at MRT Jian-tan Station. Take a short walk to get to the hiking trail entrance in Yuanshan Scenic Area across from the MRT station.
要到劍潭步道可搭捷運淡水象山線(2號紅線),在捷運劍潭站下車。走一小段路,到捷運站對面圓山風景區裡的劍潭步道。 87de57f7e4563a0a56445f031911ef52

The main trail entrance is at the center of the sidewalk; there are other nearby entrances situated either direction from the main entrance that can lead you to the trail as well.
健山步道主要入口在走道的最中央;另外也可以從在主要入口附近兩旁的入口走到步道。 21262e77879991edb8cfd1d02ba0d879


Some say during the Taipei Lake Age, Yuanshan Scenic Area was an island surrounded by lakes.

The Native Taiwanese resided on the hill above. Some archaeologists actually discovered shell mounds on Jian-tan-shan, which were formed by the shells left over from meals eaten by the Native Taiwanese 3000 years ago.

Legend of a Chinese Fortune Study has it that the Taipei Grand Hotel location is a Dragon's Lair, where a true descendant of dragon will be born.

The fact remains that this location used to be a Shinto Shrine. Zhongshan North Road ahead was an Omotesando, reaching all the way to Bei-man District and connecting to the most bustling areas back in the days, Da-dao-cheng and Di-hua Street.

Yuanshan Scenic Area


The atmosphere here is best described as the contrast and harmony between the past and present, guard posts and leisure hiking, the powers and commons, and war and peace.

Once you enter Jian-tan Hiking Trail, the hill you are hiking is Jian-tan-shan. There are numerous bunkers along the way.

There are even traces of heavily guarded military posts on the ridge. It makes you wonder why any military tracks would appear in Yuanshan Scenic Area.
甚至在稜線上,你還可以看到重兵看守過的遺跡。令人好奇任何軍事遺跡為何會出現在圓山風景區。 ec28bfbbdc2678be1e5c260e5946a7dc




This place was in fact a secret command post; there are a secret tunnel and bunker beneath the back of the hill; during the time of war back in the days, this was the secret hideout for the president.
這裡其實原本就是個機密指揮所;後方山頭地下,現在還有隱密的地下坑道和碉堡; 在早期戰爭期,這裡是總統避難所。

Perhaps even more surprisingly, situated north and south sides of the hill are where each of the two former presidents resided.

Besides bunkers, there are many well-maintained gardens that you'll see while walking along Jian-tan Hiking Trail in Yuanshan Scenic Area.
除了碉堡以外,你沿著圓山風景區裡的劍潭步道走也可以看到很多整理很好的庭園。 39097b97280b4dd6b559cdebf5261fa3


The trail is a favorite place for many local citizens to spend their leisure time and do morning exercises. People frequently come here to play badminton, sing karaoke and make tea.

After you reach the antenna used by Radio Taiwan International, there is a scenic overlook. Continuing walking downhill, you'll see the former military restricted area.
當你到了中央電台專用的天線之後,這裡有個觀景台。繼續再走下去,你會看見以前的軍事管制區。 dc14343edf8c9f2f1d9d2bb71ca51ead



Although the place is no longer a military restricted zone, most barracks and posts are left intact. All the barracks and posts were initially in their concrete color.
雖然已不再是軍事管制區,大多數的營房和哨所仍然保留下來。營房和哨所原本都是水泥顏色。 7eb023cd75b22e0d3f9b292724567cdc

Due to the ever-increasing number of tourists, the city government decided to paint the first post and barrack in camouflage to give them a modern appearance and perhaps even some military cool factor!
由於越來越多的觀光客數量,台北市政府在第一個哨所和營房塗上迷彩漆,讓它們看起來有現代感,甚至有些軍事的酷因素! 0d1db2904e0e7a5142804685161b95ef


Continuing going uphill, you'll see a new post every tens of meters or so. The posts have serial numbers. There used to be almost 20 posts; some of them got taken down, and we only found 8 of them.
再往上走,每隔幾十公尺你就會發現另一個哨所。哨所上面還有編號。過去曾有近20個哨所; 部分被拆除,我們只找到8個。 e774dc82da691a84cc9c245639988893

This section of the trail was accessible only to the president's security entourage. The stairs were made of simple cement blocks, making them quite narrow and confined.

The cement blocks were moved aside eventually, and the entire walkway was re-paved with concrete, making it broader and easier to walk through.
後來將水泥磚搬到一邊,將整個路面重新舖上水泥,變得更寬而且更好走。 1d9a6c02af5f38683d4bb1b017601151


You can regularly see people hiking with their kids. What a transformation this is from a secret military sector into a nice hiking trail suitable for the family!
可以時常看到大人帶著他們的小朋友前來健行。從一個軍事機密區轉變到一個老少咸宜的健行部道是多麼個一大轉變啊! 2877e054b749144f40f2e35dec4960b0

Continuing going forward, you can stay around for a bit near post number 5 or 6. To the north ahead lies the Shih-lin Presidential Compound beneath.
繼續往前走,你在5號或者6號哨所附近,可以停留一下。往北看的前方,下面就是士林官邸。 221aa9fc71a18fa7f9416d4f909cec8b

This was the official residence of former president Chiang Kai-shek.
這是以前總統蔣中正的官邸。 90be10f6eb75077ae69a40671c00d4ff

Keep going forward and you'll come to an explanation board for Taipei City. Right ahead and below is an area with an artificial lake. This is the old Qi-hai Presidential Compound location.
繼續往前,你會到台北的解說牌。前面下方,有一片人工湖的地方。這就是七海官邸舊址。 deb68b16d7c3d28257f8ed0abd9fb051



Another former president Chiang Ching-kuo resided here.
另一位前總統蔣經國住過這裡。 190bb9fdfad8d95c455d6ab696e20ff7

Interestingly, the father-son presidents resided on two sides of the mountain ridge. No wonder this sector used to be guarded like a fortress. After they passed away, this part of the trail became open to the public.

Due to the fact that a long walk from the trail entrance is needed, and the story of this former restricted zone isn't widely publicized, not many people know about the historical context of this place.

Continuing walking forward, you'll come to a place called Old Place. There is a large rock with "Lao-Di-Fant" in Chinese inscribed in red and the shape of Taiwan inscribed in white.
再往前走,你會來到一個地方叫老地方。有一顆大石上面刻寫著紅色中文字[老地方]與刻畫著白色的台灣型狀。 2510c312c4193b762959453b9cd77115



Lao-Di-Fant in Chinese means "old place." It used to be a leisure pavilion, but the pavilion was taken down in order to build a lookout. You can see planes taking off and landing in Songshan Airport from here.
「老地方」英文是old place。原本是個休閒的涼亭, 後來為了建了觀景台涼亭被拆了。你可以從這裡看松山機場的飛機起降。 96af655f23738871a88ebea8cf11694f

Although Jian-tan Hiking Trail was restored by the city government, it isn't quite as refined as Xiang-shan Hiking Trail. All the military facilities are gone.

On your way downhill, there is an inconspicuous and small path that will take you to Ming-chuan University. You'll still be able to see the old patrol path paved with cement blocks there.
在你下山途中,有一條往銘傳大學不顯眼的小路。你還可以看到過去水泥磚塊舖成的巡邏步道。 517e7aad2a524d5dc8e731b98cd71f66


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