Dadaocheng and DiHua St, the ancient community next to Taipei Main Station/大稻埕和迪化街 毗鄰台北車站的古老社區

Da-dao-cheng is an old community very close to the Taipei Main Station. In addition to the 3 MRT stations nearby, there are many bus routes that go through the area.


You should not have any trouble getting here by public transportation. If you happen to drive, there are 3 underground parking lots, in Da-dao-cheng, on Tacheng Street and Chaoyang Street respectively.

We don't recommend driving during the New Year shopping season. Coming from other cities, you can walk along the pedestrian arcades on Tacheng Street from Taipei Main Station. The walk is within 3 kilometers.

It's about 2 kilometers north of MRT Airport Station A1 exit and 3 kilometers north of Taipei Main Station.
從機場捷運台北車站A1出口北方2公里,或台北火車站北方3公里。 02c3afb9e5b51f97fb733a69986510df


You can see an array of fabric stores along the way. Coming from the crowded Taipei Main Station, you will soon be in a community full of vintage houses and cultural spirit!

The shift in street views from metropolitan to almost rural is surprisingly unique.
從大都會到近乎鄉村的景觀,街景變化出乎意料的特別。 4a108c0c73a2b3109fa8f0728ef76f97


Heading north along Tacheng Street, you will arrive at Nan-jing West Road, and a home decoration shop renovated from a vintage house. This is the entrance to Di-hua Street.
沿著塔城街往北走,會遇到南京西路,和老房子翻新的傢飾店。這就是迪化街的入口。 2d0baf060dad04d69cbfa29116ba6e9d

Located in the vicinity of Tam-sui River, Da-dao-cheng Wharf used to be a main shipping port for Taipei City. Di-hua Street and Yanping North Road run parallelly to Tam-sui River. Along with Da-dao-cheng wharf, they make up the Da-dao-cheng area.

It was the most affluent commercial trading center in Taiwan during the Qing dynasty. Today, it still functions as the distribution hub for dried food and groceries, attracting huge crowds during the New Year shopping season every year.

During the Age of Discovery in the late 19th century, Da-dao-cheng was the prime financial trade center in Taiwan. Goods, such as tea and camphor, were exported worldwide from here.

The top five foreign firms at the time all had offices here for tea exportation. This area was also the distribution place for Chinese herbal medicine.

Up until the 1960s in the mid 20th century, the textile industry had a long period of prosperity; similar to Liverpool, Britain and Malacca, Malaysia, the buildings became dilapidated after the community passed its prime and lost its momentum.

The community seems to have frozen in time and stayed in the past.

Renovated vintage Baroque houses – A classic with a tinge of modernity


Walking on Di-Hua Street, you are surrounded by entire blocks of Baroque-style buildings constructed during the Japanese colonial era. These buildings were renovated in order to restore their lost luster after the decline of Da-dao-cheng.
走在迪化街,包圍你的是整個街區的巴洛克風格建築。這是日本統治時期蓋的。這些建築在大稻埕沒落後,為了重新恢復他們曾經失去的風華又重新翻新。 b294cbb097fa29c69da18476ad0414b5


This is the earliest westernized community in Taiwan. There's also the very first western-style restaurant Bolero around the corner. The European spirit is palpable here in this community.
這裡是台灣最早接受西化的社區。附近還有一家波麗露餐廳,是台灣最早的西餐廳。歐洲風格在這個社區是處處可見。 d84c7598d14b9b75996754ad2174bab9

At Di-hua Street entrance, there is a tourist information center. Free maps are there for you to grab. There are various books written about the history and recent development of Da-dao-cheng.

Despite the European touches, the area is full of local essence.
儘管有歐洲風,這地區也充滿當地的台灣味。 a1a321ab7f7f22a95f2cb5269ba3bf8e



For instance, there is a fresh juice stand on the corner of a Baroque-style building. The menu is displayed in 3 languages: Chinese, English and Japanese. We got ourselves some lemon and guava juice.
例如巴洛克建築樓下的角落,有一家專賣果汁的小攤。菜單用中英日三種文字標示。我們選了檸檬和芭樂。 8b9439a7302a4f4462ec3c89074b391e






Both drinks have the rich taste of Taiwan fruits, reminding you the goodness of this prolific fruit island!

Continue walking ahead, and there are Watson and Company and Yong-la Plaza. Watson is a historic site, renovated to become a tea house and cafe. The first floor displays artifacts available for purchase.
再往前走是屈臣氏大藥房,和永樂市場廣場。屈臣氏大藥房是古蹟,重新改建後變成茶坊和咖啡屋。一樓有工藝品可以選購。 79f89410f411d03c53dac2b1db6ffa1b

Upstairs on the second floor, there is a cafe. You can have a cup of coffee here while enjoying the frontal view of Yong-la Plaza through the window. It's quite a relaxing delight!
上二樓有一個咖啡屋。可以坐在這裡喝一杯咖啡,一邊透過窗戶看永樂廣場前面的景色,感覺輕鬆又愉悅! 5d4829dafacb833df9953a7a95f5ca71



As we mentioned briefly, Da-dao-cheng was a crucial city for the Taiwan textile industry much like Liverpool. Yong-la Plaza is a fabric market full of unique local dishes and fabric shops.

Feel free to experience those local dishes next to the plaza. In the crowded little alley, there are 3 food stands.
盡管去體驗廣場旁邊的小吃。車來人往的小巷,有3個小攤。 c6e506adf98bce54813dee0d5a842ccb

One specializes in Braised Pork Rice, another sells Swordfish Vermicelli, and the last one sells Fried Spanish Mackerel Chowder originated from Tainan.
一個專賣魯肉飯、一個賣旗魚米粉、一個賣源自台南的油炸土魠魚羹。 0c4660ac640cf640ff99ff3d5d0fc477


The Swordfish Vermicelli usually sells out in a flash, be sure to come earlier if you like to try it. We ordered Braised Pork Rice and Chicken Rice.

The Chicken Rice here is very special. They sprinkle Braised Pork flavor on it. The Fried Spanish Mackerel Chowder we got tastes authentic and delicious!
雞肉飯很特別。他們上面淋了魯肉飯醬料。我們點的土魠魚羹,道地又好吃! b3b2bd4bcfc48ce38ce6b465ef044954


There is also an old tofu pudding shop in the plaza, offering various edible flavors.
這個廣場也有一個賣豆花的老店,各種口味都相當好吃。 5afc4541d94b973648fa18d76f6f4350

We also mentioned about Di-hua Street being the distribution hub for Chinese herbal medicine. Walking past pedestrian arcades, you can smell rich Chinese medicine. This is also a trade center for dried food and groceries.
前面也說過,迪化街是台灣最重要的中草藥材集散地。走過騎樓可以聞到濃濃的中藥味,這裡也是南北貨的貿易中心。 1a69037804e6ca536d3b2ef7c6744b52


You can find myriad snacks imported from Japan and America, or food ingredients. Indigenous mullet roe, pineapple jellies and even imported cubilose are available, making the area feel like an enlarged version of a supermarket in Chinatown!
你可以找到各種日本和美國進口零食,或者食物原料。至於當地的烏魚子,土鳳梨醬,甚至進口的燕窩也都找得到,讓你感覺整個街區就像唐人街的超市放大版! cfdfc81e0b97ca2f71432633a4ef772a



Di-hua Street still serves some commercial functions, but it has declined significantly compared to the past.

A group of young people came to rebuild this community from Di-hua Street to Yanping North Road 5 years ago. Art stores, cafes and various small stores can be found. Similar to Malacca, some of them were renovated from traditional longhouses.

Inside a longhouse, we went through an art store, long hallway and courtyard to get to the cafe for a cup of coffee. Entering some of these longhouses and then exiting the back door on the other side, you may find yourself in another small alley.
在一棟長屋裡面,我們穿越了藝品店,走過長長走廊和天井,才能到咖啡區喝咖啡。進入有些長屋裡,你很可能會發現從另一邊的後門出去,剛好是另一條小巷。 f54ed71dd59baacfcb326c4911ab8eec




Having a cup of tea, coffee or a glass of beer here in the longhouse is a treat akin to sitting inside a living museum.
坐在這裡品茶喝咖啡,或來一杯啤酒,好像坐在一間活的博物館享受一樣。 efbf3551b29f891a4ed24df17241e067


There are various longhouse cafes, each offering a unique style and atmosphere waiting for you to explore!

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