Chiayi Cypress Forest Life Village-嘉義檜意森活村

Of the myriad types of cypress wood, there are two types indigenous to Taiwan.

As many people are more familiar with Japanese Hinoki Wood, Taiwan Cypress Wood shares common characteristics with Japanese Hinoki Wood in that it is moisture and pest resistant as well as being lemon scented.

With all the aforementioned favorable traits, Taiwan Cypress Wood is some of the world's most valuable cypress wood in addition to its rarity.

As a matter of fact, some of the cypress wood found in Japan today originated from Taiwan during the Japanese colonial era.

Chai-yi played an important historical role in the past prosperity of Taiwan Cypress Wood. The Japanese completed the Chai-yi A-li-shan Raidroad in December 1912 to transport cypress wood from Taiwan to Japan.

Since then until 1980, logging had been responsible for over 70 percent of the entire Taiwan forestry industry revenue.
一直到1980年, 伐木的營業額佔據了超過70%林業的總營業額。

This time, English4TW brings you the place in Chai-yi reminiscent of the past prominence of Taiwan Cypress Wood.

There is just something unique about immersing yourself in a world of Taiwan Cypress Wood while grabbing a bite or having a cup of coffee!

When you walk into the 7.4-acre Chai-yi Cypress Forest Life Village amidst 28 Japanese-style wooden structures, you are experiencing a piece of Japanese colonial history.

The Chai-yi Cypress Forest Life Village was rebuilt from a cluster of official dormitories during the Japanese colonial era.
嘉義檜意森活村是日治時期官員宿舍改建而成。 626f0e6045ebea9625a2f4fb3331c014

Inside the establishment, you will find authentic Taiwanese snacks, western food, coffee shops, cosmetic products and a baseball story museum.
村裡你可以找到道地台灣美食、西式洋食、咖啡吧、美顏小舖以及嘉義棒球故事館。 de90bafe230571679af709f2de5a557a









The cubic pastry from TK Food is a delicious cookie originated from Chai-yi.

Inside the TK Food full of cypress wood, you get to try the cubic pastry samples, drink coffee and eat ice cream while admiring the splendor of the building structure and furniture made of cypress wood.
來到木塊濃厚的老楊五村,你一邊試吃方塊酥、喝咖啡和吃冰淇淋、一邊欣賞這些檜木建築和傢俱的輝煌。 b16c24e437278dc6e9ee0d8c50f73c76


There are plenty of cubic pastry flavors to choose from, and the most notable one is the Wasabi flavor. Wasabi is a special plant grown under the shade of Taiwan Cypress Wood Trees in Chai-yi A-li-shan Forest.
方塊酥有多種口味,最特別的是哇沙米口味。哇沙米正是在嘉義阿里山森林, 檜木陰影庇蔭下成長出來的特殊植物。 1c4be1c2a4250ab4f6d062f3d0075da6

Pineapple Hill is also a must-stop. Pineapple cake is a specialty cake indigenous to Taiwan. Inside Pineapple Hill, you can try the freshly baked pineapple cakes that you will not experience elsewhere.




Be sure to check out the Hinoki Ice Cream Paradise.
更別忘了檜町冰果室。 3c305395b66973a8b609a139d152e494

How enjoyable it is to indulge in various flavors of ice cream while sitting at a Japanese-style gallery and admiring the beautiful Japanese garden through the hinoki-framed window!
來這一邊享用多種口味的冰淇淋,一邊坐在日式長廊,從大片檜木玻璃窗框欣賞外面日式庭園美景是何等的享受啊! 4792fcea061e8308da40b08ae6fec98a

If you feel inclined to eat spaghetti and some steak, there is an European restaurant located on the other side of Chai-yi Cypress Forest Life Village as well!
假如你想吃義大利麵或者牛排,也有一家洋食館,位子就在檜意森活村一個角落裡! 4299344330683abd5f259376cf28c4ff

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