Show Lin Tea Village, the refined tea village in Chiayi/秀林茶莊-嘉義精緻茶葉村

The tea market is highly competitive in Chai-yi.

This time, English4TW team brings you the tea village in Chai-yi that stands above the rest of the competition when it comes to the quality of their carefully selected tea.

With strong emphasis on refinement and tea culture, Show Lin Tea Village runs a distinctive tea village business in Chai-yi.
極度強調精緻度和茶文化,秀林茶莊在嘉義茶葉市場獨樹一格。 aaed513191c23f1e3cf9d07520681ca4

Walking into the tea store, you'll be delighted by the elegant display. The table, tea pots and tea cups are set up to exemplify the wonderful marriage between tea tasting and aesthetic refinement.
走進茶莊,優雅的擺設讓人愉悅。茶桌、茶壺和茶杯的擺設例證了品茶和精緻美學的精彩結合。 49cfadadc7238bfa52005a7ee03c74ce

The store carries top-quality tea, focusing on Poo'er Tea, Oolong Tea and unique Aged Tea. The Aged Tea is a treasure originated from High Mountain Oolong of Nantou and A-li-shan, ranging from 10 up to 30 years old.

It possesses the aroma of High Mountain Oolong, but tastes more pleasingly mild in comparison. Savor this amazing tea that leaves a lingering taste!
它留有高山烏龍香味,喝起來比起高山烏龍卻更溫潤。來喝這款驚艷好茶,體驗喉嚨留下久久不散的滋味! 9307b82b6b390bbee16731b384ade7b7

In addition to tea, the store carries high-end tea potteries that are collectible within the tea-tasting communities in Asia.
除了茶葉,茶莊也陳列在亞洲品茶圈內很具收藏價值的高級茶具。 d45b28514bd25f5f72f2e545b3fbc578


The store owner Jack has always aspired to promote the tea culture to his utmost. Feel free to come by this welcoming environment to taste the soothing tea samples and perhaps, you just may experience the beautification of life through tea tasting!
秀林茶莊老闆林宜俊致力推動茶文化。到這親和的氛圍放輕鬆,品嚐試喝各種茶款,可以從品茶感受到生活美學! dc100ced38fa9ff8e2b51550ce9b5c38


Show Lin Tea Village is located on No. 61 Zhong-shan Road, not too far away from the Chai-yi Park.

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