The old City Hall and 228 Peace Park/舊市府與228公園

The old Kaohsiung City Hall, the now Kaohsiung Museum of History, is near MRT Yanchengpu Station.

The Two Two Eight Massacre Incident took place here.
這裡曾經是二二八事件屠殺的地點。 7e7020d9f278bcd56367ba147e472eab

Bullets holes were left intact on the front porch walls for a long time before the government filled them with cement. You can still see traces of the bullet holes where they were patched up.
前門廊留下彈孔,在市政府補上水泥前,有很長時間維持原貌。現在你還是可以看到彈孔上面補丁的痕跡。 c49ca74eb38e7830696495689318ca13


The old City Hall was constructed in 1939 during the Japanese colonial era. The Imperial Crown architecture is on full display. The porch and stairs are spacious and imposing. You can easily imagine the splendor of this construction back then.

After transforming into a cultural museum, it becomes the custodian of local artifacts and the place for citizens and children to learn history.
轉型為文化館舍之後,它變為用來典藏高雄市文物,提供市民以及學童學習歷史的場所。 47fd60e990039077b2df6df7f52be3d0

The surrounding area used to be the most prosperous district in Kaohsiung. The Two Two Eight Peace Park across from the Kaohsiung Museum of History was an underground market.

It was backfilled after a fire incident that led to the floor collapsing. Standing at the park, you can hardly imagine that three hundred some stores used to be under your feet
因為失火後造成樓板塌陷而回填。你站在公園裡很難想像,腳下曾經有300多家商店。 06f839c1c6e2132944983b4d77bf7619


Love River


To get to Love River, you can take the ferry from Cijin to get to Love Pier. The ferry route was temporarily unavailable due to the light rail under construction at the time of our visit.
到愛河可以從旗津,搭渡輪到真愛碼頭。我們拜訪的時候,這條渡輪航線因為輕軌興建暫停開航。 cf8d2f959ab2c8304c5f156dadd799cb



You can alternatively get off MRT Yanchengpu Station and pass by the old City Hall to get to Love River walkway. Prior to reconstruction in 2000, Love River was not the neat sight like it is today.
你也可以選擇從高捷鹽埕埔站,經過舊市政府,進入愛河的河濱步道。在2000年重建之前,愛河不是你現在看到乾淨景象。 4fa7bd48c29199da014de5be0c665a78




The government did a complete makeover, allowing boats to cruise through Happiness Canal from south to north and Love River from east to west. There are many types of boats to choose from, including solar powered boats, amphibious boats and water taxi La Gondola.
市府徹底改變了愛河,從河南和河北的幸福川,一直到河東河西的愛河段,都可以行駛遊船。船隻有各式各樣選擇,包括太陽能船、水陸兩用船和水上計程車貢多拉。 a42d118c833202b429c95cadfb9bedf8





Similar to River Thames, London, there are many cafes along the way. You can enjoy some coffee and the sea breeze while looking at the boat traffic. It isn't a bad place for a nice relaxation.
很像英國的泰晤士河的是,沿著步道有不少咖啡座。你可以享用咖啡,吹著海風,看看來往船隻。不錯的地方,可以好好放鬆一下。 f380fce4969747948ce5ec42aa3243b5


Rosary Cathedral Minor Basilica


You can also travel by foot with families and friends. Enjoy a Love River trip walking along the river course. There is a must-see place nearby. Located on Wu-fu 4th Road is Rosary Cathedral Minor Basilica.
你也可以和家人或者朋友一起步行。沿著河道走,享受愛河之旅。附近有個地方一定要去。位在五福四路的天主教玫瑰聖母堂。 3d9b208ae52e966b13c63cffc5539761



This was the very first Catholic church in Taiwan, established in 1859. Some people refer to it as the most beautiful Catholic church in Taiwan.
這是台灣第一座天主教堂,建立在1859年。有人說這是全台灣最美麗的天主教堂。 890cfd338e50137e06605f4392c0d626

The minaret construction appears to be a mixture of Gothic and Romanesque styles. The interior and stained glass brim with a very solemn atmosphere.

We went inside the church to immerse ourselves in the serenity and European feel. It's quite amazing that the church has been maintained dating all the way back to the Qing Dynasty and through the Japanese colonial era to this day.
我們步入教堂,沉浸在寧靜裡,彷彿身處歐洲的感覺。讓人驚訝的是,教堂已經從清朝到日本統治時代一直被保持著而延續到現在。 858b1e71373635ef1752119fba22c716


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