慣用語第二集/Phrases II

第一個慣用語是"Whistle blower",是指當一個人在政府或是公司機構服務,向權威揭發政府或公司裡的不法行為。

John is a whistle blower who reported to the government that his employer has been coercing its employees to work overtime on the weekends without paying them.

Steal someone's thunder,是竊取他人的點子而搶走他人該有的風采。

The cunning software developer is trying to steal his thunder.

Cut to the chase, 是切入重點。

Can you cut to the chase? You have talked for hours, but we haven't gotten your point.
你能夠切入重點嗎? 你已經講了幾個小時, 但我們還沒有得到你的重點。

Beat around the bush 是拐彎末角的意思。

Can you stop beating around the bush and tell me why you are here?
你能不要拐彎末角, 告訴我你來這裡的目的嗎?

A dime a dozen 是繁多, 不希罕或是很普遍的意思。

Fresh oysters are a dime a dozen in Dongshi.

Tie the knot,是結婚的意思。

Mary and Bob tied the knot last month.
Mary 跟 Bob 上個月結婚了.

Tied up, 是很忙的意思。

I'm tied up at the moment.
I'm tied up for today.

Beat a dead horse 是浪費精力去重新提起之前已經討論過而討論不出結果的事。

We already tried to come up with a conclusion, but to no avail. Maybe we shouldn't beat a dead horse.
我們已經試過要提出一個結論, 但沒成功。也許我們不應浪費精力去重新提起之前已經討論過而討論不出結果的事。

Bona Fide, 是真實的意思。

This is a bona fide Apple product, not a counterfeit.
這是個真實的蘋果產品, 非紡造品。

Domino effect, 是一件事造成連鎖反應。

Sometimes, car accidents that occur in high-traffic areas can result in a domino effect.
有的時候, 發生在高車流量地段的車禍可以造成連環車禍。

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