Old Tree Cafe & Miyahara Eye Clinic/老樹咖啡&宮原眼科

The areas surrounding Taichung Train Station and the old City Hall used to be the most bustling districts.

Due to the ever-increasing traffic volume inside the city, the center focus of city development has been shifted to the re-planning district near Taiwan Blvd.

Business establishments in the old city district still follow their own rhythm and pace harmoniously; some are following the city renewal trend;

some are keeping their original styles, exuding the old community aesthetics. Old Tree Cofee and Miya-hara Eye Clinic are such examples.

Old Tree Cafe


Old Tree Coffee was initially established in Kaohsiung in 1997. The cafe was later relocated to the owner's hometown Taichung. It was in Taichung where Old Tree Cofee became a success.

There is one chain store opened in Taichung and another one opened in Taipei.
有一家分店開在台中,一家分店開在台北。 115db3d562c10508301cd51a3ee31b67



The original store has maintained its appearance and even store hours for over 30 years. It closes around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, which is about the time the Taichung city nightlife begins.

Everything from the menu cover to various types of furniture, including tables and chairs, are made of genuine teak wood.
各式各樣的東西,從菜單封面到各種傢俱包括桌椅,都是柚木實木做成。 27f9fd383f898f480f690c951f7d87da


The interior is very understated and European. There are myriad coffee flavors to choose from the menu. We ordered Brazil Coffee, Chocolate Coffee and their signature Vienna Coffee. There is a very rich taste to their coffee that we really wanted to order another cup!
內部裝潢是很低調的歐風造型。在菜單裡面有各式各樣的咖啡可選;我們點了一杯巴西咖啡,還有巧克力咖啡,和他們的招牌維也納咖啡。他們的咖啡味道真的很香醇,我們實在想再點一杯! 2bc126263aa3a9e720d2ecee1c3981e8



Unlike most cafes that offer meals and desserts, the only food item they provide is Honey Toast. Old Tree Coffee is located on No. 35 Pingdeng Street, Central District, Taichung City.

Miya-hara Eye Clinic


In the vicinity of the train station is the Miya-hara Eye Clinic. Contrary to the name, this is not an eye clinic, but an ice cream, pearl milk tea and pineapple cake specialty store.
在火車站附近,有一家宮原眼科。和字面不一樣的是,這不是一家眼科,而是一家冰淇淋、珍珠奶茶、鳳梨酥的專賣店。 99da40b22f3c2c929a0c6e13e44db56e

The store name originated from a Japanese ophthalmologist Dr. Miya-hara, who established his eye clinic here in 1927.

The clinic later became the Health Bureau of Taichung City Government and then became an abandoned building due to disputes over its property ownership.

Eventually, a business group took over the property and revamped the place to become a dessert specialty shop attracting crowds.

With a spice of originality, the brick walls and the cemented sign with "Health Bureau of Taichung City Government" written in Chinese are kept intact to exhibit a contrast with the remaining architecture .
這些磚牆,以及用中文寫的水泥「台中衛生院」招牌仍保留著,與其餘的建築做比對也襯托出一點原味的氣息。 753025618cfed0b3785329c3a2aa6a90




All the dessert items that you will find in Miya-hara Eye Clinic are delicately made. The building is divided into several segments, selling ice cream, pearl milk tea and various local products.
你在宮原眼科看到的點心都很精緻。一大棟建築物有好幾個不同的部門,販售冰淇淋、珍奶和各種當地特產。 264a269c2912a1cfd4ca604059675590

Perhaps the hottest selling item is their ice cream. There is a whole range of ice cream selections on display. Every flavor imaginable for ice cream from chocolate, coffee, fruit, tea and just about anything is there.
最熱賣的可能是冰淇淋。有陳列了一整個系列的冰淇淋口味,任何巧克力、咖啡、水果和茶還有你想得到的任何冰淇淋口味都有。 a05090a705697cab9510c653c50184f5



Something interesting worth mentioning is that some of their signature flavors sound very romantic and you wouldn't be able to figure out exactly what the flavor is from its name.

Once you select the flavors for your ice cream bowl, depending on how many scoops of ice cream you get(you can get 1-3 scoops per bowl), you also get a number of sides for free, such as cakes, pineapple cakes and more.

We ordered a bowl with one scoop of Oriental Beauty and another bowl with one scoop of Dark Chocolate. With two one-scoop bowls, we get one free side item for each. Their ice cream is very rich without being too sweet.
我們點了一碗東方美人和一碗黑巧克力口味。我們點了兩個一球的筒,可以各加一樣免費配料。冰淇淋滋味很濃郁,也不會太甜。 6962b510793c7283d6462b19ef6651b6


Perhaps you will notice that everyone is eating while standing around the pedestrian arcade. Surprisingly, they do not provide seats for the ice cream buyers, and it's customary for buyers to enjoy their ice cream bowls that way!
也許您會發現大家都站在騎樓下吃。讓人嚇一跳的是,他們不提供座位給買冰淇淋的顧客,顧客站在行人騎樓享受他們的冰淇淋筒已成了個風俗! 8bec330a97b4c32c36b2701b37fe9267

Miya-hara Eye Clinic is located on No.20 Zhongshan Road, Central District, Taichung City.

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