Calligraphy Greenway/草悟道

There have been a relatively large number of tall building establishments under the urban construction in Taichung.
台中在都市建設下新建的高樓相對多。 df98fbf22152db7b2a00f3662eedec5b


The traffic volume that comes along with it can be overwhelming.
隨之而來交通量,會令人有壓迫感。 9e3fb64c9be34cc2e7a2cbcbe7b9c37d

Taichung City government established the Calligraphy Greenway, which is similar to Omotesando, Tokyo.
台中市政府打造的草悟道,很像東京表參道。 7a6081d59aa02cbcb5d97abe8d0027de

The construction utilizes a large greenfield with trails and bicycle paths, linking up with the surrounding restaurants and artistic spaces to create a more relaxing green living space.
此建設應用大面積公園綠地,結合步道和自行車道,和串連週邊餐廳與藝文空間來創造舒適的綠色生活空間。 afd3cc14d4d10ddd6607cd94275a5097







The entire establishment is about 3 kilometers, stretching south to north along Taiwan Blvd, from the Civic Square in Gong-yi Road to the National Museum of Natural Science.
草悟道區域大約3公里長,沿著台灣大道由南向北沿伸,從公益路的市民廣場,一直到國立自然科學博物館。 cd880f4f570beb8d91cba84a8d814ecc


You can enjoy a good time right here in the park. You can either bike or walk toward the CMP Block Museum of Arts, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts and National Museum of Natural Science.
你可以在這裡享受美好時光;可以騎腳踏車或步行、前往勤美術館或者國立台灣美術館,以及國立自然科學博物館。 25e2915afc49135fc903d830ddbcc0dc

You may perhaps even find your favorite restaurants along the way!
你甚至可能會沿路找到你中意的餐廳! bf31a3e26d11efa41dcbd66714c8c8bb

1 Comment(s)

  • Tzu Ming Liu(11 Jul 2016 - 22:45)

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